

I realize the need for safeguards in Facebook, and for most of them I am most appreciative. You are asked to confirm various requests from other individuals, and that makes a lot of sense. However, I didn't think that confirming the existence of my marriage would be one of them.

Today, I updated my Facebook profile to include my husband's name—a simple task, so I thought. Actually, the task was simple, but it wasn't quick. Upon saving my updates, I received this message: We will notify Joe McDonald, who will have to confirm that you are in a relationship.

Hmmm. Could this little living arrangement I've been in for almost 11 years be a sham? I mean, this feels like a marriage relationship, but I suppose I could be mistaken. My gut has led me astray before; could this be one of those instances?

If it is, then I'm going to start taking a closer look at those e-Harmony commercials, and all bets are off!

Just kidding, honey...

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